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Microsoft Azure

Global network of data centers and cloud services at your service

Purchasing hardware always carries a certain amount of risk. With Azure, there is continuous investment in the latest technology. You can take advantage of this immediately without heavy investment.

 Infrastructure, Platforms and/or Software as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
 Only pay for what you really use
 Immediate use of top infrastructure without the investment
 Perfect integration with your on-premises environment
 Providing redundancy at all times with 2 real-time copies

Microsoft Tier 1 Cloud Services Partner | VanRoey
Mircrosoft Azure Logo | VanRoey.be

Optimized costs

When Azure is correctly configured and pérfectly tuned to your needs, continuity, productivity and government are optimised. In addition, you can also save a lot of money! Our certified experts offer you advice and support.

To Cloud or not to cloud?

One hybrid environment is usually the golden mean. This is where our Azure Specialists also make the difference. They help determine which usage scenarios require which infrastructure. Sometimes it's better to use the Microsoft Cloud, and sometimes you're better off with your own infrastructure.

Some concrete examples

The list of possibilities within Azure is endless; From complex virtual infrastructure to Artificial Intelligence and other web services. VanRoey.be is therefore giving free interesting inspiration sessions in which we explain different options. Then you can decide which infrastructure is best for you. We also have several services that can save you a lot of worry:

Microsoft Tier 1 Cloud Services Partner | VanRoey
Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider

VanRoey.be is Microsoft Gold Partner. We offer you unrivalled and certified expertise at rock-solid prices. Besides, we are also  Cloud Solution Provider, which means you can provision or cancel licences directly yourself via our portal, without our or Microsoft's intervention.

Find out more!

Our highly certified experts will be happy to help you take a closer look at your environment and facilitate a (partial) migration to the cloud.

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