CTOUCH Riva 2 training

Take your classes to the next level

Rob Vermeer has been with CTOUCH for 15 years and has recorded an exclusive in-depth training with us. He demonstrates & discusses crystal clear following actions in 22 minutes:

  • 0:15 - CTOUCH OS - Stopwatch & Favorite Apps
  • 1:26 - CTOUCH OS - UboardMate 2
  • 7:08 - CTOUCH OS - Installing Apps via store
  • 8:23 - Skipping options menu (via button at bottom of CTOUCH)
  • 10:00 - Remote control capabilities
  • 12:40 - Settings
  • 15:00 - Updating Firmware
  • 16:39 - External input - Connecting laptop via USB-C or other devices via HDMI
  • 17:09 - External input - Annotation tool
  • 19:41 - Windows - Microsoft Word
  • 21:13 - Windows - Microsoft Excel
  • 22:06 - Windows - Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 23:31 - Windows - Gestures
  • 24:02 - Windows - Ink and on-screen keyboard, and Microsoft Whiteboard
  • 26:03 - Windows - UboardMate CC + (31:36) Interactivity Students
  • 33:59 - EShare - Wireless streaming to your CTOUCH, even with multiple devices at once
  • 38:21 - FAQ - Can I use a Chromebook?
  • 38:56 - FAQ - How do I make annotations about websites, videos, external input?
  • 39:46 - FAQ - Where are screenshots stored + how do I save them to USB?
  • 41:05 - FAQ - How do I customize backgrounds?
  • 43:11 - FAQ - How do I install my own apps (.apk's) on the CTOUCH RIVA?

Check out this free training. You won't find a better way to learn how to work with the CTOUCH RIVA 2 anywhere.

Rob Vermeer of CTOUCH