Overview Licences, prices & requirements Copilot

The forest through the trees

Which versions of Office 365, Microsoft 365 and/or Dynamics 365 do you need? What are the cost prices? How much does Copilot Studio cost?... We get a lot of questions about the licence structure, requirements and prices of the different Copilot licences. That is why we are happy to offer you this overview.

You will receive the files via e-mail, the prices are all visible.

In addition, you will also receive an overview that different Microsoft 365 suites and compare their functionality and some pricing tips showing e.g. the difference between annual and monthly payment formulas.

Copilot Requirements and licences

How does SharePoint compare to Teams & OneDrive? How do you migrate from fileserver to SharePoint and... how do you improve internal communication with SharePoint? Discover these and many other inspiring examples at this free event!

Attention: limited number of places!