VanRoey Private Cloud

Your data center on Belgian soil for a fixed price per month

Review the launch event at the VanRoey Experience Center. (68 min) We'll show you the various options for outsourcing your data center using a cost-efficient formula.

  • Introduction. By Pat Van Roey (General Manager)
  • Private Cloud. By Karin Versmissen (Marketing Director)
  • HPE GreenLake in a nutshell. By Nicolas Paeshuyse (Partner Business Manager at HPE)
  • Tier-3 data center vs. your own local server farmwhat are your advantages? By Maarten Schilders (Teamlead Partner Sales at Destiny) Private Cloud |

Our own Inspiration Centre in Geel provides the perfect setting to welcome you this autumn and take you into the latest trends within the IT world.

Attention: limited number of places!