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EuroSys and VanRoey ICT join forces, strengthening their position as professional ICT service providers

Houthalen & Turnhout , 13 January 2023 -ICT specialist EuroSys today announced that investment company Fortino Capital has taken a significant stake in its company. In June 2022, Fortino also already took a stake in sector peer VanRoey.be. By combining the forces of EuroSys and VanRoey.be, the Belgian market will gain a major player in the ICT services sector for SMEs. The group relies on the knowledge and expertise of its 230 employees to relieve its customers of all their ICT needs.


EuroSys announces today that investment company Fortino has taken a significant stake in its business. This puts the company under the same wings as sector peer VanRoey.be, in which Fortino also took a stake six months ago. EuroSys, like VanRoey.be, is a well-known name in the world of ICT services for businesses. In Limburg, EuroSys has built a strong position. VanRoey.be did the same in the province of Antwerp. Both companies are therefore highly complementary. The combination delivers a new, strong ICT player with a turnover of €60m.

Ideal partners

The two companies are no strangers to each other. Together they stood at the cradle of the buying group Qcom 22 years ago, where they have been working together ever since. They have a very similar corporate culture and, at the same time, they also have very complementary services. For instance, EuroSys was the first company in its segment to obtain ISO 27001 certification, making it a forerunner in digital security. It has Platinum status with Dell Technologies and Watchguard. This while VanRoey.be has been known for years as a Networking and Cybersecurity specialist with expertise in Fortinet, HPE- Aruba and Ruckus. Their combined knowledge of Microsoft cloud and managed services makes them unmistakably the ICT partner for SMEs in the provinces of Antwerp and Limburg.

ICT company with ambition

The three parties strongly believe in working together. Their ambition is to grow further with the group as a leading service provider for the SME landscape in Belgium. In which we are strongly committed to developing expertise among our employees, as well as our Great Place To Work certification.

Patrick Van Roey Pat Van Roey, CEO at Van Roey ICT Group: "Nobody denies anymore that ICT has become an indispensable but vulnerable element in the business world. Technology makes our lives easier but the underlying ICT architecture is becoming increasingly complex. Currently, only ICT Service Providers with a clear focus and an extensive team of experts can continue to build up sufficient knowledge to guarantee continuity. By combining the teams and knowledge of Eurosys and VanRoey, together we are moving towards a #NextLevel service level. With our extensive managed services solution we unburden our customers in terms of ICT and save them from cybersecurity threats."

Mark Lens, Founder of EuroSys: "EuroSys has been on a significant growth trajectory in recent years. In turnover and size, but also in terms of know-how and services. However, it was clear to us that if we wanted to continue this strong growth in a consolidating market, we had to look for a partnership that could strengthen our growth ambitions. With the support of Fortino Capital and VanRoey as sparring partners, we found that collaboration. What was important for us is the certainty that our employees and our customers will feel at home in this new structure."

Steven De Troyer, Partner at Fortino Capital Steven De Troyer, Partner at Fortino Capital: "We have a stated ambition to grow further in people, expertise and customer portfolio. The combination of EuroSys with VanRoey ICT fits into our growth strategy where we achieve both expertise broadening and geographical expansion. Together, we are well on the way to further taking position as a leading service provider in the ICT landscape."


About VanRoey.be

VanRoey.be Logo | VanRoey.beVanRoey.be, founded in 1993, is an ICT service provider headquartered in Turnhout with offices in Geel, Antwerp and Mechelen. Our expertise includes (cloud) infrastructure, networks, and security. Our focus is on complete unburdening (Managed Services), as well as security of customer environments as a Fortinet Expert Partner. Thanks to the various bases of operation, we are always close to our customers. VanRoey.be serves customers in both the public and private sector.

About EuroSys

EuroSys, founded in 1990, is an ICT service provider with offices in Houthalen-Helchteren. Our service offering focuses on IT and cloud infrastructure, cloud collaboration and communication, managed security and managed services. EuroSys also actively helps schools take the digital leap through Yes (Your Education Solution). Today, EuroSys serves professional organisations, a majority of which are located in Limburg. More information can be found at www.eurosys.be.

About Fortino Capital

Fortino Capital

Fortino Capital is an investment company with a focus on B2B software and ICT. Our mission is to support ambitious management teams in realising their growth plans. We invest in young companies (venture capital) and established companies (growth capital) where growth is an integral part of the strategy. Fortino has offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany and invests in North-West Europe. Previous Fortino investments include, among others, Odin Group, Teamleader, Efficy CRM, SigmaConso, Cenosco, MobileXpense, iObeya, etc. For more information, visit: www.fortinocapital.com


"By combining the teams and knowledge of Eurosys and VanRoey, we are moving together towards a #NextLevel service level."

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