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Internet line & IP VPN

perfect connection for your company

Telenet's mission, like VanRoey.be's, is to enable organisations to focus on their core business. Continue to innovate and grow by digitising your processes as much as possible. A perfect internet connection is a requirement to work unhindered and fast.

Telenet Business Expert Partner | VanRoey.be

Telenet IP-VPN

Avoid frustrations & prevent downtime. Organisations with multiple locations data lines often pass through headquarters. Complaints about surfing speed, interrupted Skype calls or loss of Remote Desktop or Citrix connections are then not abnormal.

Telenet IP-VPN houses several branches in one Virtual Private Network.

Traffic that needs access to the corporate network is separated from surfing traffic. So you win in terms of cost efficiency, operational security, speed and flexibility.

There are 3 options:


Depending on the connection options (fibre optic, coaxial or VDSL), the optimal access technology is chosen.

Enjoy speeds up to 750 Mbps downstream and 75 Mbps upstream (via coax).

Data over the network or not?

When a user wants to watch a YouTube video, this data does not have to pass through the server.This type of traffic goes via a separate, cheaper internet line.

This will reduce the load on your serverand an intelligent system determines whether traffic can go direct or not.

Priority of data

Together with you we determine which applications & data is a priority within your company.

Through Quality of Service (QoS), Telenet guarantees priority over less important data.

e.g. Citrix or VoIP application are given priority over backups to the server.

Safest solution

To protect you from hackers, we provide at every location a Fortinet Next-Generation Firewall;

By providing 2 separate data lines (preferably with different carriers), one line is configured as a backup for the other (failover).

Save on your data lines!

A Telenet IP-VPN combined with a classic internet line is cheaper than the upcharge of your current data lines.

If you would like to know more, our experts are here to inform you!

VAT no.

From 2026 Invoicing via Peppol and in UBL format mandatory for all companies. A big change that requires a strategic approach. At this event, you will discover what, why and how!

Attention: limited number of places!