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IT Security Audit

A close inspection to your organisation's cybersecurity

Are you ready for the NIS-2 regulations? Our comprehensive IT Security Audit tests your entire IT environment for vulnerabilities. In a nutshell:

Your environment is scanned/tested for +60,000 known vulnerabilities
We come on site to also evaluate the physical security of server room, access points etc...
A certified expert evaluates the technical analysis and summarises everything

You'll receive a clear report that lists all risks, with additional advice from our certified experts.

Companies' >20% was a victim of a security incident in '24" (statbel)
Unavailable services, production downtime, destroyed data, confidential data leaked, theft...
Not to mention reputational damage & undetected hacks.
An IT security audit can prevent these tragedies and has a quick payback.

VanRoey as security expert

Why you can rely on our organisation & audit

We have very high(st) certified sr security experts with experience in thousands of environments

For 8 years, we have been providing IT security for many municipalities and government bodies

Numerous satisfied customers testified about their excellent experiences with our security expertise.

We have the highest possible partnerships with the right vendors (think Microsoft, Fortinet…)

How does our IT Security audit work?

1. For several days, advanced monitoring hardware is placed in your environment. It will scan your network for over 60,000 vulnerabilities.

2. We'll schedule a visit from our experts to your company site(s) to check the physical security and identify potential risks.

3. What follows is a bulky, +300-page comprehensive technical report, which our specialists will analyze carefully.
We summarise this for you in human language, with key concrete action points & possible improvements.

We take a closer look at following items:


Antivirus / EDR

Mail Security


Network & WiFi







VLAN Segmentation

Password Policies


Physical security


Your website


We have never come across an environment that was 100% safe

The audit makes sense for any environment, no matter how (in)secure it is. Ideally, before we start you should try to secure your environment as thoroughly as possible, but even then you will see that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Result: A ±40-page advisory document

The +300-page report and visit report will be thoroughly analysed by our experts.
You get a practical summary
file with clear advice & to-do's pointed out:

What's next, after the Cyber Security Audit?

Now that you know where you stand, you can get started or count on our help to improve your IT security. Another option is for us to work together on a IT Security Roadmap , with short-, medium- and long-term objectives.

Want to know more about our IT Security Audit?

VAT no.

From 2026 Invoicing via Peppol and in UBL format mandatory for all companies. A big change that requires a strategic approach. At this event, you will discover what, why and how!

Attention: limited number of places!