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Mark Lens wins Young Entrepreneur award!

Mark Lens of EuroSys won the prestigious 'Young Entrepreneur of the Year' award last night. In the final, he made it through from the four other laureates: Raf Vanthoor (BergHOFF), Gunther Slaets (Groep L&G), Koen Carolus (Boomkwekerij Carolus) and Ingrid Bijnens (Runtime Services).

Mark Lens During an initial reaction, Mark Lens said, "I dedicate the award to all customers, and especially to my employees."

He sees this award as recognition for the growth path, dynamic entrepreneurship and the results that EuroSys - IT Solutions as a group and he as an entrepreneur have been able to achieve. These results are a direct result of everyone's efforts.

Some reactions from our business relations:

  • We would like to congratulate you and the entire Eurosys team on this prestigious award! It strengthens our pride that we did not make a mistake in choosing our IT partner... on the contrary: your success is for us a confirmation of our good cooperation, and a motivation to continue to grow & be dynamic in business ourselves... Congratulations again! (Jean-Paul Meus and the entire Goodwill team, GOODWILL M&G)
  • With this sincere congratulations on winning this well-deserved award. It underlines your entrepreneurship and reassures us to have chosen a dynamic and well-run company. Equal accolades to all employees...the complete team. (Guy Kindermans, IMD-Limburg)
  • Congratulations on this fine award! Your dynamism has clearly paid off. I would say: continue with all your fun and educational initiatives and especially your excellent services. (Linda Colson, AVR - Van Gansewinkel)
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