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Microsoft Power Automate frees you from boring and repetitive work

With Microsoft Power Automate, the automation of administrative and repetitive processes has matured. In the past, Power Automate went through life as Microsoft Flow. With the name change Microsoft puts more emphasis on automation and brings the application under the Microsoft Power Platform. This also includes Power Apps, Power BI. and Power Virtual Agents and forms a total package with a lot of, well, 'power' for every organization that wants to be part of the digitization.

What can you do with MS Power Automate?

Well, simply put, Microsoft Power Automate connects the different applications you use. By making data available from one app to another or copying it. A very simple example is automatically saving email attachments from Outlook to a designated folder on your OneDrive. But make no mistake! This is not a gimmick. Microsoft Power Automate can also handle much more complex processes. You can draw those processes yourself, or you can start from available templates in Power Automate.

So you can also use Microsoft Power Automate to generate new leads. For example, if someone mentions your company in a Twitter post, Power Automate can automatically respond to it and add the contact in your Microsoft Dynamics 365. Templates for such 'flows' are available in Power Automate. Here you can customize which 'actions' you want to link to which 'triggers'.

Power Automate works flawlessly with all Microsoft 365 applicationsbut also integrates many other commonly used apps. It can also be mentioned that Microsoft Power Automate can also be used to protect your company data. Data sharing policies can be enforced with a 'flow' in Microsoft Power Automate. This automatically checks which connectors require access to certain data.

Good to know is also that Microsoft Power Automate may already be available to you. The application is part of the Microsoft 365 suite! Search in your Office 365 portal to the icon with the blue arrow and be surprised by the many possibilities or jump straight to Power Automate.


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Too complex to figure this out for yourself?

Don't worry. VanRoey.be will be happy to help you on your way with a thorough training in Microsoft Power Automate and other applications of the Microsoft Power Platform. You will get to know the potential of Microsoft Power Automate, discover which 'streams' can offer great added value for your organisation and get to work yourself. You will make use of templates, but you will also learn to build 'flows' from an empty item. You will learn everything about triggers, actions, conditions, loops, etc. After this two-day course you will be able to automate processes with Microsoft Power Automate. This way you save yourself and your employees the boring work and everyone can focus more on the real work.

VAT no.

"Good to know is also that Microsoft Power Automate may already be available to you. The application is part of the Microsoft 365 suite! Search in your Office 365 portal for the icon with the blue arrow and be surprised "

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