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Vulnerabilities fixed in VMware vCenter Server

Last week, a vulnerability (CVE-2021-21985) in several versions of VMware Center came to light. Servers running with the affected versions (7.0, 6.7 and 6.5) risk giving easy access to hackers. These can - without authenticating themselves - install and run malicious code on these machines via an open port (443).

Which versions are impacted?

  • vCenter Server 6.5
  • vCenter Server 6.7
  • vCenter Server 7.0

What is the potential risk?

A hacker with network access to port 443 could exploit this vulnerability to unleash any code on your servers.

What action should be taken?

We recommend system administrators to as soon as possible upgrade their VMware vCentre Server to the latest versions.

Still unsure about the security of your server farm? Our Support Team is ready to help you where needed: vulnerabilities@vanroey.be.

"Uncertain about the security of your server farm? Our Support Team is ready to help you where needed!"

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