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Report Vision Event 2019 @ High Tech Campus Eindhoven

Thursday, November 14th, more than 250 attendees descended to the smartest km² in Europe to be inspired. We immersed them in everything that the near future has to offer by means of a guided tour.

The year before, Pat Van Roey, along with some of his colleagues and customers, paid an extensive visit to the American Silicon ValleyThe group visited some of the biggest technology giants present such as HP, Microsoft, Fortinet… The impression that this visit had left on them was one of energy, innovation and ambition… and we wanted to pass it on to our other customers in one way or another.

We didn't think much about it before, but we have a very similar region nearbyThe High Tech Campus in Eindhoven is literally the smartest km² in Europe. There happen 4 patent applications per day With 200 companies and over 12,000 researchers from all over the world, the nickname ‘ The Silicon Valley of Europe’ is justified.

With the VanRoey Vision Event we offered customers and suppliers a unique insight. We gathered in the Conference Center and started the afternoon with visits to and from some of the companies present:

  • Holst Centre showed the latest technologies that can be almost invisibly incorporated into all kinds of materials and shapes.
  • TomTom showed technology used in self-propelled vehicles.
  • GrowWise We have in-depth knowledge of the latest developments offered by vertical farming.
  • MarketRedesign Develops AI & provides the right consultancy in business processes based on smart analyses.
  • ByFlow surprised those present with food that from now on can be printed in every possible form with their 3D Food Printers.

Pat Van Roey on the Vision Event of 2019 The evening program was started by Pat Van Roey, who showed us how to make the have deployed knowledge of the ‘Vision trip’ previous yearboth within VanRoey.be and with customers with various solutions within IoT and Industry 4.0He also gave a glimpse of the veil of the forthcoming new building.

Then spoke Cees Admiral (Business Development Director at High Tech Campus Eindhoven) on how he saw the High Tech Campus evolve over the past few decades, and what exactly is the success formula is to bring together so much innovation and ambition.

Also, four of our customers received awards during the ‘Project of the year Awards‘. The video cases of Biobest, Nordex, Wax Workshop and Mister Minit were shown to the general public for the first time. Karin Versmissen, Sales & Marketing Director at VanRoey.be explained which technologies these companies use to become and remain successful.

Finally Peter the Prince (Professor of Management Practice at Vlerick Business School). He brought in his keynote ‘The Six Batteries of Change’His vision is as follows: “In times of disruption, it is crucial to manage change correctly, but the risk of failure remains extremely high. Six Batteries of Change offers a surprisingly simple model for more effective change.” His interactive session of less than an hour made attendees think strongly about the direction and approach they need with their organization.

After the evening sessions we looked back on the past day during the reception. There was a lot of food, drinks and laughter in an informal atmosphere. Also, attendees could again taste 3D printed snacks of ByFlow.

We hope that all attendees returned home inspired and will be there again next year!
If you missed the event, be sure to sign up for our newsletter and stay informed about our upcoming events.

Photo album VanRoey Vision Event 2019 (Facebook)

Overview photo album Vision Event 2019

"The impression left by the visit to Silicon Valley was one of energy, innovation and ambition. Somehow we wanted to convey that to our other customers."

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From 2026 Invoicing via Peppol and in UBL format mandatory for all companies. A big change that requires a strategic approach. At this event, you will discover what, why and how!

Attention: limited number of places!