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VanRoey.be opens digital Experience Center in Geel

If a company is to remain competitive in a global economy, embracing new technologies is a necessity, but for many entrepreneurs it is a matter of looking at what these novelties can actually do for their business. To provide an answer to this question, VanRoey.be opened a digital Experience Center on the Antwerpseweg in Geel tonight. More than 50 entrepreneurs already gained more insight during the festive opening.

Meeting place for digital entrepreneurs

The message during the official opening was clear: anyone who wants to continue to earn a living in this digital economy can no longer count on outdated processes. Data is the new gold and forms the basis for a more intelligent business management. In the Experience Center VanRoey.be is responding to current themes such as the digital workplace, the conversion of industrial machines into intelligent IoT devices and the importance of Smart Connectivity & Security, all in order to achieve more efficient working methods or to be able to respond more quickly to customer requirements.

VanRoey.be is supported by several leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Telenet, Advantech, HP and CTOUCH, and it was Didier Ongena, Managing Director at Microsoft BeLux, who officially opened the Experience Center. During his lecture, he emphasized the importance of digitization and the role of VanRoey.be as a Gold Partner.

A view of the future in a homely atmosphere

The atmosphere is friendly and the light-hearted design breathes openness and transparency: "A conscious choice", says General Manager Pat Van Roey, "ICT is becoming more and more interwoven in a company's core activities. Due to the rise of artificial intelligence and smart internet-connected sensors, many of our customers are wondering what IoT can do for them, and in an informal setting we offer a clear view of these future-focused solutions, so that they can experience for themselves where they are going to make a difference for their business, by means of workshops, events or training sessions.

The homely atmosphere invited brainstorming and many entrepreneurs returned home inspired and full of new ideas.

Would you like to visit the Experience Center together with your colleagues?

You can here find more information or here request a visit immediately.

In a casual setting, we provide a clear view of these future-oriented solutions, so that they can experience for themselves where they are going to make the difference for their business;

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