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VanRoey.be Premier Partner of KnowBe4

vanroey-be-premium-partner-of-knowbe4 Premier Partnership label of KnowBe4. It's a beautiful recognition we're proud of. Because with their very accessible and effective Security Awareness Training is KnowBe4 the world's largest player in this field.

KnowBe4 Premier Partner logoVanRoey.be has been relying on the respected KnowBe4 platform for several years. Eleven colleagues can now certified KnowBe4 expert mention it. They assist our clients in training their employees and keeping them alert. In doing so, they learn the most diverse forms of Identify cyber attacks and fraud. Their alertness is tested with simulated phishing messages. The security awareness and the results it leads to can easily be monitored in a clear dashboard.

Phishing & Malware
No less than 40% clicks on phishing emails! Reduce it to more than half thanks to KnowBe4. Discover what the Security Awareness Platform has to offer.

VanRoey.be is betting very hard on security. With increasing connectivity and more and more mobile forms of work, security is more important than ever. IT is becoming increasingly integrated with operations and an attack on IT often has a major operational impact. VanRoey.be offers Managed IT Services integral security solutions.

As Security Center we think together with our customers their security strategy out. Intelligent network security solutions, anti-virus tools and firewalls are used. All these tools contribute to the cybersecurity of an organisation. However, they are only truly effective if users use them consciously. Security Awareness is the central defender on the field, in the match against the cybercriminals.

"With simulated phishing messages, their alertness is tested. The security awareness and the results it leads to can easily be monitored".

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