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VanRoey wins tender with focus on cybersecurity via Opdrachtencentrale

VanRoey is proud to announce that through Opdrachtencentrale have won a major procurement contract for four specific lots. With this contract, we once again underline our expertise and experience in supporting government agencies with their technology challenges.

Assignment centre and VanRoey join forces

Procurement Central plays a crucial role in unburdening contracting authorities. With a holistic approach and an extensive portfolio of framework agreements, it offers governments an efficient way to meet their technological and logistical challenges. Through this extensive portfolio of framework agreements, it helps its affiliated members with simple and quick ordering procedures.

What does this framework agreement entail? 

Members of Opdrachtencentrale can contact VanRoey for 4 specific plots each with its own focus area:

  • Supply, install and support security and network solutions

Members of Assignment Central can draw on the expertise and knowledge of VanRoey and Fortinet.
Fortinet provides network security solutions worldwide and has become the market leader in Unified Threat Management (UTM) thanks to its 'Security Fabric' ecosystem. Also in BeluxFortinet Platinum Partner and Partner of Excellence Fortinet has been the best-selling cybersecurity brand for many years. This is partly thanks to the FortiGate, a particularly reliable and high-performance next-generation firewall.

  • Fibre optic equipment

The supply of materials for building a fibre-optic infrastructure, such as fibre-optic cables, HDPE pipes, couplers, patch cables and patch panels. Moreover, we offer consulting services to guide organisations in their implementation.

  • Telecom and network connections

Providing communications technology, including Android and iOS smartphones, regular mobile phones, Bluetooth headsets and car kits. In addition, this lot also includes the installation of internet connections with various speeds and SLA support levels. Here, partner Telenet in particular will play a prominent role.

  • Consultancy and support for purchase, installation and aftercare. 

Consultancy and support for purchase, installation and aftercare. This includes being able to make use of our experts in Microsoft, Fortinet, VMWare, ...

Another step further in public sector innovation

This agreement took effect on 1 November 2024 and is valid until 31 October 2028, with the possibility of extending the agreement for one year. The long term offers members stability and continuity in the services offered. With this agreement + previous collaborations with Smals (Cybersecurity) and IOK (Security Awareness), we underline our commitment to innovation, digitalisation and security in the public sector.

Read here more about our framework agreement with Assignment Central.

Or contact us using the contact form below.

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"Contracts Central plays a crucial role in unburdening contracting authorities. Through an extensive portfolio of framework agreements, it helps its affiliated members with simple and quick ordering procedures. "

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