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VanRoey.be Charity Quiz collects € 7,050 for 3 charities!

Looking back on a successful first edition, the employees of VanRoey.be organized another charity quiz last friday. More than 140 participants had gone to the Sancta Maria Institute in Kasterlee to experience a pleasant quiz evening to support their chosen charity. At the end of the evening, VanRoey.be could hand over three cheques: vzw Kadee € 3,960, Scholengroep VIBO € 2,080 and CoderDojo Belgium € 1,010.

Charities chosen by colleagues

Due to the enthusiasm after the first VanRoey.be Charity Quiz last year – which yielded € 6,000 for To Walk Again vzw - the decision to repeat this was quickly made. Every employee could propose charities to which they would commit themselves, and in the end not just one, but three charities were chosen: projects with a clear focus on young people each time:

  • CoderDojo Belgium: an initiative that teaches young people programming, creating websites, developing apps and games in a playful way through free workshops.
  • vzw KadeeThanks to this wonderful initiative, they too can enjoy an unforgettable summer and/or Christmas holiday on camp.
  • VIBO school groupThe Free Institute of Extraordinary Education near Turnhout has 650 students who are currently attending classes in 131 (second-hand) container classes that are inadequate. In order to provide these students with the necessary resources, the institute wants to provide 2 new buildings on its De Brem campus. To achieve this, they are asking school partners and companies to lend a helping hand, which is estimated at 10 million euros for the non-subsidised part of the building project.

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Theme: Friday the 13th

With Friday the 13th VanRoey.be found an ideal theme to organise its quiz on, and the bad luck didn't happen this Friday 13 September, on the contrary! Each participating team was allowed to decide where the registration fee would go. In total, VanRoey.be collected – together with the support of its customers, suppliers and other quiz fanatics – € 7,050, which is a nice reward for its motivated employees.

Pat Van Roey: “With this edition we have once again surpassed ourselves! Not only our VanRoey employees were very enthusiastic about the follow-up edition, we also received a lot of positive reactions from outside. Almost immediately after the start of this campaign, half of the maximum capacity was reached, and the fact that in the end more than 30 teams took part, is an unforeseen success! It was again a successful quiz evening. Once again, I would like to thank everyone for their support and dedication, and really everyone has done their best to ensure that this is a great success;

Curious about the other partnerships of VanRoey.be? Read more about VanRoey.be's CSR policy..

In total, VanRoey.be - together with the support of its customers, suppliers and other quiz fanatics - raised € 7,050 in this way. A nice reward for the driven employees.”

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